Archive for the ‘lifestyle’ Category

All Because Two People Fell In Love . . . No, Really.

Monday, March 10th, 2014


This one. This is the one that I get to be with each day. This one became my best friend over 14 years ago. He is my true companion. He loves me, imperfections and all. He has held my hand and shared his love and strength through the deliveries of our five babies and any day now he will once again be my main supporter as we welcome our baby girl into this world. He is one of the most incredibly supportive and encouraging people I know. He loves our children. He loves me. I love this one. I love us.  studiocharm

Our romantic walk down by the river was actually an action packed, roller-blading, scootering, kid chasing, potentially labor inducing (didn’t quite do the trick) Sunday afternoon family outing. Photos courtesy our oldest child who had great timing and the use of the camera tripod! Wow, I love these little ones too!
2014_03-studiocharm-mat01Baby update: I had originally hoped the baby would be born yesterday, but then our sweet two year old came down with a fever Friday night and I spent a day snuggling her, caring for her and praying our baby would wait until the “health coast” was clear before she was born. I’m glad she waited, and now I’ve given baby the green light. I admit feeling really sentimental about this pregnancy and loving carrying this precious baby inseparably next to my heart. She is one of our most active in utero, and keeps me amused throughout the day and night with her antics. I have had some amazing experiences during this pregnancy that have given me a tiny glimpse as to how incredible she is. I can hardly wait to see her beautiful face.

Cobblers and Cobbwebbs

Wednesday, January 15th, 2014

Earlier this week during our morning carpool run I challenged my kids to find out what type of profession a”cobbler” is. Many guesses were made as to how this job related to our peach cobbler we enjoyed for Sunday’s dessert, perhaps it is someone who cleans up cobbwebbs, etc. I gave another clue that a cobbler is a profession that used to be very much needed but in our day and age it has become pretty rare. My kids were bursting with ideas and laughter but nobody knew the correct answer so I created a bit of a competition as to who could reply to me first with an accurate description of a cobbler.

Later that night, my sweet daughter A. (9 years) ran to me to share her new insight into what  a cobbler does for a living. With this challenge I doubt my kids will ever forget what a real cobbler does, even though they will not likely meet one any time in the near or distant future.20140117-133539.jpg

So I share this story as it relates to my dusty old website–a bit of a cobbler in her own right, long neglected but still useful and sentimental to me. I am finding a new purpose in reviving her old “sole” by attaching new tread, threading new laces and dusting out the corners.  A bit of polish will do her good, and will hopefully be just what I’m looking for as a means of expression and sharing the creative endeavors I continuously delve into. Studiocharm shall be my comfortable, familiar friend with a little more spring in her step for now. Thanks for visiting!

My Baby Girl C. in 2010- I think she could have used a cobbler: (c) tilt photography