“More free stuff?” you may ask. Yes, it is true. I do love to share stuff with people, and I thought these brushes may be put to good use. This free download is for personal use. Please email me regarding a commercial use license.
This set of BUTTERFLY PRINCESS brushes are .abr files, and will work for PS & PSE. Place the file into your presets folder (usually a subset within the PS folder inside drive where you have installed PS). To load the brushes open up PS> go to edit> preset manager> load> select the name “butterfly princess” then click “load.” Let me know if you have any troubles with it.
This free brush set expires in seven days or after 100 downloads, whichever comes first. Enjoy!! I’d love to see what you come up with! If you are sharing your creations online, please reference https://www.studiocharm.com/blog . Enjoy!
Thanks for the brushes, Amy! And your photography is beautiful!
Wow, thanks so much for sharing–these are great!
Thank you so much! Those are so fun!