Week of Ones

So I haven’t posted in over a week! Why, you may ask? I have been so busy with photo sessions {and life} that I haven’t had time to even share a photo or two with all of you. I am anxious to play “catch up” and have way too many photos that I would love to post. So please keep coming back, I promise there will be more.

Here are THREE dashing one-year-old little boys to make you smile- all new photos from the past few days. I love the “turning one” stage– eager to smile, clap, eat cake and grass (and enjoy them both equally). What a great age. Happy birthday boys!

{J.- dismantling his cake piece by piece . . . loving that green frosting between his toes too!}

{Candid capture of J: not sure who is the “good guy” in this situation, but I am going to have to rule in favor of the one with the innocent brown eyes.}

{Meet C: I just love that crinkly nose, huge grin and smiley eyes. What a handsome little guy with quite a year behind him and so much happiness for life. Happy birthday C!}

{I warned you about these boys being heartbreakers, right? So here is another C.- just turned one and is loving every minute of being outside on such a beautiful day. What could be more perfect than a smiley one-year old?}

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